2023 Northwest Manager's Conference
March 28 - March 31, 2023 | Fairbanks, AlaskaThank you for your Participation!
Thank you for participating in the Northwest Managers Conference in Fairbanks, AK! Presentations for the sessions can be found below.
Wednesday, March 29
Defense & Security Strategy in the Arctic: Municipal Considerations
Moderated by Jeff Good, Manager, City & Borough of Wrangell
- Admiral Matthew Bell, Dean, School of Arctic & Climate Studies
- LCDR Matt Richards, Chief of Emergency Management, USCG Anchorage
- Troy Bouffard, Center for Arctic Security and Resilience, UAF
NW Pacific & Arctic Fisheries: Revenue, Workforce, and Infrastructure
Moderated by Amber Jusefowytsch, Deputy Manager, City of King Cove
- Donna Logan, President, McKinley Research Group
- Role of Seafood Industry in Alaska & the Pacific Northwest
- Luke Fanning, CEO, Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Dev. Association
- CDQ’s & How they Benefit Local Economies
- Chad See, Executive Director, Freezer Longline Coalition
- Pacific NW Based Fisheries and Their Impacts on Municipalities
Don’t Work Yourself to Death! Be there for your community and family
Moderated by Jim Williams, Fairbanks North Star Borough
Thursday, March 30
Climate Change Impacts & Trends, Mitigation & Community Adaptation (Part 1)
Moderated by Jim Williams, Fairbanks North Star Borough & Alison Hayden AK Center for Climate Assessment & Policy
- John Walsh, Co-Investigator, AK Center for Climate Assessment & Policy
- Rick Thoman, AK Climate Specialist, UAF International Arctic Research Center
- Richard Lader, UAF International Arctic Research Center
Climate Change Impacts & Trends, Mitigation & Community Adaptation (Part 2)
Moderated by Jim Williams, Fairbanks North Star Borough & Alison Hayden AK Center for Climate Assessment & Policy
- Uma Bhatt, UAF Professor of Atmospheric Science & Associate Director, Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem
- Davin Holen, Coastal Community Resilience Specialist, AK Center for Climate Assessment & Policy & AK Sea Grant
- Jessica Garron, Deputy Director, AK Climate Adaption Science Center
IIJA & IRA – Making the most of the opportunities for communities
Moderated by Katie Koester, Engineering & Public Works Director, City & Borough
of Juneau
Recruitment, Vacancies, & Talent Management – How low can we go?
Facilitated discussion (Pat Martel or Jeff Towery)
Friday, March 31
Public Safety Program: Implicit Bias in Small Communities
Moderated by John Moosey, City Manager, City of Palmer
Cities of Opportunities: Developing the Human Capital Assets
Moderated by Clay Walker, Mayor, Denali Borough