Membership Application
Application Details
2025 AMMA Membership Fee: $200.00
Check Payments
Membership Types and Definitions from Article VIII of AMMA Bylaws
ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. Any person who is an appointed manager or administrator of a municipal corporation or borough government in the State of Alaska shall be eligible for Active membership in the Association. Alaskan Municipal Management Association Constitution & Bylaws
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Any person shall be eligible for Associate Membership who is a principal assistant to a municipal manager or administrator; a professional manager who is a participant in the Association’s Ranger Rider or Interim Manager Program or a former manager or administrator. Annual dues for an Associate member shall be 50% of Active membership.
AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP. Any elected mayor who serves as the chief administrative officer of an Alaskan municipality, or any individual, organization, or business interested in the betterment of municipal management in Alaska may become an Affiliate member.
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP. Any individual who is registered in a college or university pursuing a career in a field of study relevant to municipal management is eligible to become a Student member. Student members must be nominated by an Active member in good standing. There shall be no annual dues for a student membership.
If you have any questions regarding membership, contact AMMA Membership Committee Chair Katie Koester at
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